Tuesday, October 6, 2009


You might be surprised at what appears to be a sudden increase in your level of popularity.

I wasn't all that surprised that this statement would be included in today's horoscope. In the ebb and flow of popularity, right now seems to be the start of a new flow, which is highly appreciated after the summer's low.

So last night for FHE our ward decided to have a bonfire. After considering the frigid outdoor temperature and the awful smoke smell that would soon permeate my clothing, I was seriously considering not attending. But realizing a fascinating girl would attend as many functions as possible, I threw on a few layers, pulled out my girliest of scarfs and headed to the evenings festivities.

Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable, albeit chilly night, and as we were getting ready to head back home, a boy gave me his number. (Does The Fascinating Girl work, or am I just lucky?)

So I came home to find out what Fascinating Girl would say about the situation, and found this:

"The forward woman grabs the leadership role for herself. She aggressively pursues the man by hinting or asking him to take her out. She may call him on the phone and boldly ask for a date. The problem with forward women is that she demonstrates an interest in the man before he has had a chance to develop interest in her. She leads rather than follows and in do doing steals his masculine position.

If you have tendencies to be aggressive, you must drop these habits or you may frighten men away. The rule is, never travel faster in love than he does.

Often men are driven away by a woman's inclination to take things too seriously. Even though a man may show a genuine interest in you he may not want to go any further than the enjoyment of your friendship."

My newly acquired phone number is now in safe keeping, not to be used anytime soon. If he wants me, he knows where to find me.

Great advice Fascinating Girl!

1 comment(s):

Jenny said...

So here are my two questions:

1.. What are they doing to catch/impress us?

2. When did sitting around and waiting become so much work?