Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sort Of

Uhmm...can you tell that I had forgotten to take a picture of my outfit earlier in the day? Sorry, this doesn't even half show what amazing look I was able to put together.

So after 18 whole, long weeks of this experiment, I finally, sort of, have results. Sort of are the key words here.

Like the good Fascinating Girl that I have been turned into. I ended up at an event on Sunday night, in the hopes of finding someone new to set my sights on. (After all, it is a new year.) Looking great, I flitted about talking to various people and old friends.

It was in the middle of one of the conversations with an old friend when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy that I have been mildly, half halfheartedly flirting with for the past couple of weeks. I gave him a big Fascinating Girl smile and we proceeded to talk about our various Christmas/New Year's escapades.

Thankfully I had just brushed up on the 'Gaining Interest' section of the book. I admired my new friend's manly qualities, took a vested interest as he spoke about his 'pet ideas and interests'. I encouraged him to discuss his 'daring ventures.' When our conversation was interrupted, a few times, I took advantage of the situation and spoke to those around me, not waiting for my friend to return to our conversation.

Just as Fascinating Girl suggests, I decided to "be friendly with everyone, not just him. In this way he never quite knows whether your friendliness is just your nature or whether you really like him."

Surprisingly, just like a lost puppy, my friend continued to return to my side. Testing out this new theory, I again got caught up in a conversation with a passing friend, and my puppy stayed by my side waiting for me to finish.

We continued our conversation and things were just beginning to look like they were going to move into a positive, "let's ask her out" position. But nothing happened. I waited and waited, and sneakily tried to steer the conversation to a place where we could make some plans, but still nothing. After long enough I made my excuses and left him. A Fascinating Girl doesn't spend all of her time waiting for a guy to make a move.

His sad, confused face as I walked away made me realize I had made the right choice. Hopefully he went home and mourned the fact he hadn't moved faster to continue our evening and will be more inclined to do something more next time we meet up. If not, well, there are others out there. (Or at least that is what I am trying to convince myself.)

I guess some results are better than nothing. Although, can we consider this positive results?

Better luck next week.

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