Sorry this post is so late getting to you. I really wish it was because this outfit had set all of the boys in such a tizz that I had gobs of stories to tell you, but sadly that isn't what happened.
Let's take a look at what Sunday looked like.It was a pretty conservative look, but I tried to spice things up with the fantastic pin. (I tried to take a picture of it, but it was too sparkly to get a good picture.)
But wait, don't think that this outfit didn't have some girly charm. Check out the back.Yup ruffles. Just like another skirt I own. Luckily for me I was able to get the whole outfit, yes whole outfit, for a fantastic deal. All of it was already on clearance, and with the 40% off sale, I couldn't not buy it. Plus, I got an additional 20% off for being a "Preferred" customer (whatever that means.)
Just the kind of frugality that a Fascinating Girl should have.
More real stories and experiments coming soon.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Who Doesn't Love A Sale?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Slow And Steady
Well everyone.
It has now been 12 weeks since I started this adventure. Three months of my life dedicated to the womanly arts. And you know what? I am pretty sure you are all going to have to hold an intervention for me when this is experiment is over and done with. While Fascinating Girl isn't exactly working, nor am I anywhere close to engaged, I think it does have some pretty great advice in it.
The very first chapter of Fascinating Girl says the following: "Don't think there is anything wrong with the study of winning the attentions of men, or the strategy necessary in winning a particular man for a mate."
I now, whole heartedly agree. Why not, as womanly as we can, go after what we want?
So here is what I wore to church today.Whoa! I didn't realize it was such a bad picture. Sorry.
Well, anyways seeing as Preference was this past week, I was drew inspiration in my look for this week. I wore this dress (with a different top) to Preference last year. It is a pretty comfortable and only semi-formal dress to wear, kinda like my Preference date last year.
Preference is over for another year, and as convinced right now that I am absolutely finished with all of that nonsense, chances are I will, no doubt, be attending next year as well.
Fingers crossed.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Grab Your Guy And Go
If there is ever a time in YSA that is the bane of my existence, it is nothing more than Preference. This girl ask guy formal dance has been nothing but trouble for me since I have known about it.
If I'm not asking the secretly engaged guy, it's the guy who insists all night that we are just friends (I got it the first time you said it!) or I'm making fantastic cheesecake for my date, who won't even eat it. Preference has brought nothing back bad luck.
I thought I had escaped all this when a few years ago I decided to retire. There was a ceremony, I gave a speech, but alas, I have been called out of retirement a few times now for another kick at the cat.
So with breath held and fingers crossed, here we go again.
Let's see what Fascinating Girl has to say about formal dances, shall we?
"Although a formal dance is your least opportunity to show your feminine nature, it is your greatest opportunity to display the ultimate in feminine dress and appearance. Make the most of the situation by creating a dress that gives this impression. Naturally the dress must be soft, delicate and feminine in order to convey the impression that these are qualities of the wearer. This, along with a feminine manner of voice, walk and hands will give you a good opportunity to win the notice of men present, even if you do not have a chance to act the part of a beauty in distress."
So let's check out the dress that I am wearing tomorrow night.BLAMO! Talk about soft, delicate and feminine! I'm practising my feminine voice, walk and hands (Whatever that means.) in hopes of this being the best Preference ever.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Refinement and Good Social Breeding
Oh my! I have spent the whole week traipsing here and there, turning myself into a complete social butterfly as only a real Fascinating Girl would. And you know what, it might actually be paying off.
Let's talk about some specifics.
The other night I got invited to a dinner party of sorts. And just as the Fascinating Girl suggests, I made sure that I, "never arrive at a dinner appointment early as this may be a problem for the hostess. It could be inconsiderate." In actuality, I could have arrived an hour late, and still been just in time. But nevertheless, it is always nice to have someone else cook for you.
As a seasoned YSA vet, I have been able to witness many tactics to win over men, and may have, in the past, even used them myself. But in my old age, I am beginning to realize the importance of sticking to ones morals. And you know what, Fascinating Girl agrees!
"A man can be very impressed by a woman who holds fast to a principle she believes in, or a standard she has set out for herself."
So while this is all stuff that we learned in Young Women's, it still applies to us today. I checked and Fascinating Girl thinks the same way. "Never rub a man's back in public or stroke his hair. Such actions in public are very unrefined."
Here's what I am wearing tomorrow. It's fascinating enough for this week.
More to come in the next couple of days. Including tales of Preference. Be excited.
Monday, November 9, 2009
This Is Who I Am
There has always been one section of Fascinating Girl that I never quite knew if I could pull it off. It seemed a little over the top, even for me. That was the 'Childlike Anger' section.
This whole chapter teaches the proper way to get mad at a man. It includes, stomping your foot, pouting, putting both hands on your hips, shaking your curls and exaggerating the sadness of your situation. In short, looking adorable while angry. I know, even writing it now, this idea seems so lame. This might have worked in the days of yore, but not today.
So it was only driving home tonight that I realize I have been using this tacit for years! After losing a game, I began my regular pouting and curl shaking, with hands on my hips, I believe, and of course, of course exaggerating my situation. This 'Childlike Anger' came so easily, and it was only half way in that I realized that I was a natural.
Everyday I am realizing more and more that I have always been a Fascinating Girl.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bettering Society
Hi Everyone
Sorry this is a little late in getting out. How about we take a look at what I wore to church today?And with these thrift store finds, the outfit was award winning.
As usual I looked good, but no comments, well, other than from girls, came my way. Oh well. I can't expect everyone to fall over me every week.
Last week was a bit of an odd one. I had plenty of service opportunities thrust upon me. Fascinating Girl suggests looking for ways to serve others everywhere you go. "When you share the burdens of society to help make the world a better place, you gain compensating happiness."
Most of the service I rendered was with a happy heart, but I must admit that there were some moments when I thought about my own discomfort, boredom or even missed flirting opportunities. There was even a brief moment when I wondered how helping girls was going to further my Fascinating experiment.
Fascinating Girl warns against this selfishness: "Whereas selfishness is tolerable in little children it becomes unbearable in a mature adult. Young women should take care lest they retain this childish fault. They are inclined to think too much about their own clothes, comforts and social success, with little regard for the feelings and needs of others. Selfishness is wrong, a weakness in character and an indication of a narrow concern."
So after reading this, I decided to change my attitude. There are, and were, still plenty of opportunities to gain 'social success', and after all, wouldn't I want my own Fascinating Boy to be full of compassion and charity for others?
There is more to being a Fascinating Girl than just being pretty.