Whoops! Sorry everyone. I just realized that the comment part of my blog wasn't working. I was starting to feel rather lonely. But fear not, things are now working, so feel free to leave a message or two. (Who knows you might just get to be a featured character in the movie they make about my experiment. Stop laughing, it could happen.)
So, I showed up to church on a brisk fall morning clothed in crisp cotton and animated print, and to my surprise a boy actually noticed. He said, " You look very bright." Compliment or not, they jury is still out, but I decided to treat it as a compliment, and responded with the " cultivated and refined graciousness of someone with social grace." I simply said thank you.
Fascinating Girl has Six Stages Of Winning A Man and after completing most of the first stage, Be A Girl Worth Having, I am moving on to stage two: Win His Attention.
So be excited for new posts all about developing, feminine manner, feminine nature, domestic stills and a worthy character. Trust me, there are some pretty funny/bizarre experiments to conduct in the next while.
Thanks for the support. Excited to win his attention!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Should We Celebrate?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It Includes A Colourful Tie!
"One of the finest places to meet men is in church. Churches provide a friendly atmosphere and newcomers are usually given a warm welcome. Churches are also interested in the welfare of young people and usually provide social activities where men and women can meet properly. And a companion with the same religious views brings greater harmony in a relationship."
So do you want to see what I am wearing tomorrow, a whole month into the project?So there is it, the "animated print". Besides, Fascinating Girl does say "there is nothing more feminine than a crisp cotton."
I debated all week whether or not this was the right choice, considering that, of course, Sunday was the day the our unseasonably warm weather would brake and we would be returned to Autumn. And considering the somewhat success I had with a sweater last week, it just might be the good luck charm I have been looking for.
But I guess we will have to see. My cynical self really wonders if the boys even notice that I am wearing such feminine attire, or if I could get away with wearing the same thing week after week.
Trying to remain positive. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Foiled Again
So the other night I am driving home when a dear friend calls and asks what my plans are for the evening. After explaining that I was planning on taking an evening off from my fascinating ways, she asked if I wouldn't consider joining a local choir.
Now, I sing about as good as the next person, and thus have little to no interest in singing in a choir. After trying to convince my friend that choir just wasn't for me, she said, "A Fascinating Girl would go to choir." (Why did I ever tell my friends about my experiment?)
And with that I joined the choir.
No, nothing overly fascinating happened at choir. It is a little hard to meet a great guy being surrounded by the ladies of the soprano section.
I came home to scour the book to prove to my friend that choir wasn't a Fascinating Girl requirement, when I, sadly, stumbled upon this section under the "Finding Inner Happiness" chapter.
"Working with our hands, creating things of beauty and worth brings inner happiness. We all have this creative power within us. When you create something of real worth or supreme beauty such as art, music or literature, it goes beyond inner happiness to deep soul satisfaction."
Wow! Waxing a little too poetic about choir. But we'll see if "deep soul satisfaction" is achieved.
Just one step closer to becoming a girl worth having.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The More I Think About It, The More I Realize This Happens All The Time
I am realizing more and more every day that The Fascinating Girl really does have an answer for almost every situation you could be in.
Monday night was our annual FHE Barbecue. Thankfully I read how to be fascinating at such an event before I left. Here is the advice I received.
"Women often relax too much at outdoor parties and games and forget their feminine manner. This is partly due to their clothes. Pants and casual clothes encourage unrestrained actions. Women slap men on the back, whistle, yell, speak loudly, gulp their food down, sit with legs apart, or one leg resting on another as men do, roar at jokes, and throw their head back when they drink. Be on guard at such parties to retain your feminine manner."
However, there I am at the barbecue, looking fascinating, highlighting my feminine nature to my complicated (for now) friend, when I looked down to see "one leg resting on another as men do". Thankfully I caught my mistake quickly and changed to a more becoming sitting position.
Thanks Fascinating Girl! You saved me!
Don't you want a copy of this book for yourself?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
Of course! Of course!
Secretly, in the back of my mind, I had small doubts about my outfit when I chose it yesterday, wondering if I really shouldn't take even a small break from my girly ways. Knowing, of course, the week I did would be the week I was for sure to run into someone special.
And just as I thought, I ran right into a far away, but never forgotten friend. Complete with non- Fascinating Girl attire, flat rained on hair and sparse makeup.
I'm trying to remind myself that being fascinating is a little more than just looking the part. Oh my!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Eligible Young Uncle or Cousin
Well, Week Three. Can you believe it!?! The time in this experiment is going by very quickly, but that doesn't mean that panic doesn't set into my heart every Saturday night trying to come up with the perfect, overly feminine attire.
However, this week I think I might have a bit of a break, due to the fact that tomorrow is Stake Conference, and chances of running into throngs of YSA are slim. So I thought I could take a bit of a holiday and return to a classic Denise outfit. Not overly causal, but not screaming with ruffles and lace.
Here it is:
Stake Conference means two things, (Okay, three if you count the fact that we pass out candy during the intermediate hymn.) seniors and children. Our stake has a plethora of both.
But fear not, The Fascinating Girl even has something to say about these two groups of people:
"Don't limit your friendship to people your own age. You can be casual friends with people of any age. You can develop a warm friendship with older people. They can enrich your life with their special experiences and you can do much to brighten their day. And they, too, have many friends and contacts.
Children also can lead you to a wide circle of men and women your own age. She may have an eligible young uncle or cousin, or her playmate may have a big brother, or either of them may have a young family physician with whom you may become acquainted with some day."
Oh Fascinating Girl you never disappoint, do you?
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the young family physician.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fascinating On The Farm
Tonight we had our annual trip to our local corn maze. Being a casual, outdoor event posed somewhat of a fascinating girl fashion challenge, but thankfully the darkness of the country made it difficult to even see the corn of the maze, let alone my more casual outfit.
It was only driving home that I realized I had such a perfect opportunity to put use my new found fascinating girl techniques, but I totally forgot!
"Many a girl has attracted a man's attention to her femininity by being afraid of a cow, then letting the man show how groundless her fears are."
We spent sometime at the petting zoo on the farm before going into the maze, and I sadly got dangerously, non-fearfully close to most of the animals, but especially the cows! I guess I am going to have to try being afraid of " mice, dogs, a dark night, a storm or rickety bridge."
The Fascinating Girl suggest being a damsel in distress. "Get yourself into one predicament after another where you can reasonably expect a man to offer his help. Giving his manly aid and guidance is the main thing he enjoys in his association with women." (I'm not sure that it would have worked in our corn maze experience, the guys in our group seemed just as lost and confused as any of the girls were.)
This is turning out to be a longer process than I thought, but I guess there are even more ways to be girly than just looking feminine. Lots more to do this week.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Maybe A Little Too Classy
Remember my fantastic, antique mink pin? Well I had a whole gaggle of girls who wanted to touch it. Everyone of them asking, "What is that furry thing?" When I explained that it was an antique fur broach, they all looked at me curiously and quite a number asked if it was made out of a beaver. (I thought I read somewhere that beavers were on the verge of extinction.)
When I explained that it was made out of mink not one of them knew what I was talking about. I guess fur has become that unseen that no one can spot fine fur when they see it, or maybe I'm dealing with the wrong crowd.
In any regards, boys fascinated with my accessories--zero. I guess it is back to the drawing board.
Another somewhat Sunday bust. Some Sundays just seem a little too busy to be overly social, but a fascinating girl would have tried harder. I only wish I had read my horoscope before leaving the house today.
The more you talk to people, the more success you will have, dear Gemini. Everyone around you is a valuable resource, so tap into this boundless well, and have fun. Your agility with words and facts is impressive, so use this to your advantage.
Maybe next week is my week, one can hope.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Snaps For Something New
So you are never going to guess where I was tonight. Come on guess!
If you said poetry reading, you were right! Good for you!
Now let's get this straight. I am not a poet, in fact, sadly, I don't even like poetry, but I decided to branch out in hopes of meeting someone new, even if it was a beatnik poet.
The Fascinating Girl says: "By increasing your circle of friends you increase your chances of meeting the right kind of man. Don't stay at home unless absolutely necessary. If you stay at home you will likely meet no one. Make yourself an outgoing gadabout."
I don't know if I have made myself an outgoing gadabout, but it was definitely a new circle of people.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Another Kick At The Can
So, Week Two, another Sunday. After a week of feminine fashion research I think I might have stumbled on a pretty great outfit.
Check it out!
Before you think this doesn't seem too girly, I think you are missing the best parts. Take a look at the back of this skirt. Ruffles! If that doesn't scream feminine, I don't know what does. Plus, did you miss the fantastic, retro mink broach. The broach belonged to my great-grandmother. I figured it was time to bring it back out. And considering the poor mink is 40-50 years old, I shouldn't feel too bad about wearing real fur.
Here's hoping that this look creates just a little more buzz.
I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Better Luck Next Week
I can't say that my fascinating ways have really been noticed anyone who isn't female or over the age of fifty. Not really my target audience.
(Well, wait. There were two guys who seemed to be more than interested, however, it is more than likely that they were just the overly flirtatious, girl crazy boys. I wasn't too shocked when they flitted from girl to girl.)
Don't get me wrong, the ladies were all over the feminine attire and I guess that is a start. After all The Fascinating Girl does suggest befriending even girls in hopes of eventually being introduced that special someone.
Maybe next Sunday will be better.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It Takes Effort To Look This Good
If there is anything that I have learned from my multiple (I can't believe it either) readings of The Fascinating Girl it has been the emphasis of a feminine appearance.
"As a beginning, always try to look your best. When you look pretty, you feel pretty, more confident."
There are long, long, long sections discussing appropriate feminine attire, by avoiding any heavy wool, browns and greys and anything too casual. After a closer inspection of my closet, I realized that nothing I owned was fluffy, lacy, gauzy, silky, soft or womanly.
After quite a lot of work I was finally able to put together a feminine outfit for my first Sunday of the experiment.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is just the right amount of femininity to get something started.
Hopefully it "suggests softness, modesty, womanliness."
Getting closer to fascinating.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
It Had To Start Somewhere
I guess if anyone is to blame for me undertaking this experiment, it would have to be my roommate.
One quiet evening my roommate pulled out an old cream coloured book with "The Fascinating Girl" inscribed in gold on the cover. This book belonged to her mother, a 1971 gift from my roommate's grandparents to their daughter.
My roommate randomly opened the book and began reading one of the paragraphs out loud. Before us was a how to book on the secrets of winning men. But as we continued to read we realized how outdated the book appeared to be. What girl ever won a guy by being afraid of a cow or by wearing ribbons in her hair? The more we read from the book, the more we realized that no man would ever fall for these vintage gimmicks.
Funny, nonetheless, we shared our new manual with all of our friends. Each of us decided, in our own small way, to implement one suggestion from the book and see if our dating prospects increased. Just as we expected, nothing happened. Obviously the answers to our problems weren't to be found in The Fascinating Girl.
After much thought and debate we wondered if the strategies provided in The Fascinating Girl had to be preformed en masse. So for the next year, or in reality however long I can stand it, I am planning on becoming the "ideal woman".
To be honest, I'm really not expecting much from this endeavor, a few funny stories and perhaps increased domestic abilities.
So here it is, my journey to becoming a fascinating girl.